Editors note
By Yngve Nordkvelle
Lifelong learning is a recurring theme in this journal. The present issue of Seminar.net has four contributions, covering a range from how elderly use ICT, how teachers and supervisors in higher education experience virtual learning environments, how producers of MOOC’s fail to observe quality frameworks, and last how “gamification” affects ideas about teaching and learning. They all bring vital arguments to the table about how digital environments cause changes in our lives, beginning with games for children and helping elderly to adjust to an increasingly digitized lifeworld in the other end of the life cycle. First, most of the technological innovations we are used to by now, was invented a long time ago – by persons who now are considered elderly. The ideologies supported around notions like “the digital natives” are exactly that, - ideologies. But even skilled and experienced elderly – and teachers in higher education are in dire need of keeping up with swift changes in technology and its use. I am very pleased that the articles we present here have a critical stance towards ideologies and are able to scrutinise the conditions for a democratic and factual base for education.