Ethics, methods and diversity in the use of new media
Yngve Nordkvelle
This issue presents six papers covering a wide range of topics. It demonstrates how varied and encompassing the research in these matters are. Our authors this time come from Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Norway and the UK. The topics in this issue range from how students use the Internet in such diverse countries as Mexico and Finland, and we also offer an analysis the effect on one computer per students has in Swedish secondary schools. The language used on digital publishing contexts is an important topic covered in a politically inspired article. Three articles have a more methodological interest: two of them are about the ethnographies of communities of learning, and about teachers using videos in their professional development. The last one is about ethical matters, a topic all too seldom covered in publications about new media and Internet. The wider context is the use of digital storytelling with groups of people who need particular protection because they may be more vulnerable, due to a health condition.