Mie Buhl is a lecturer at The School of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark, where she heads the Department of Pedagogical Anthropology. She addresses the expansion of the professional duties of the teacher to extend beyond merely acting as a disseminator of knowledge and facilitating learning processes for the student. Information technology exposes the teacher’s performative dimensions: how teachers choose their acts in certain situations, and how that demands an intensified reflexivity. The article argues that teachers must meet increasing expectations to perform on the premises of mass media and asks how this displaces the premises for educational practice.
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Hosein Moeini is a faculty member in the department of Management Information Systems, faculty of Commercial Sciences at Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey. His paper addresses the changing compositions of student populations, changing paradigms in teaching and learning, and changing expectations about the quality of education. His concern is to promote a more professional approach to identify what teachers need in terms of professional development, in the area of information technology in particular, and to implement those insights into the training programs.
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Ståle Angen Rye is a 1.lecturer at the University of Agder, Norway. He offers an analysis of the term ”Flexibility”. He notes that ”Flexibility” is frequently used when discussing higher education and in distance education or distributed education, in particular. It usually goes with terms like ”change”, but on a whole few more profound investigations of the term are offered. Rye find this surprising, and he aims with this article to clarify the concept of flexibility by relating it to students in distributed education and their study situation.
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