Vol. 13 - Issue 1 2017 - ISSN 1504-4831
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  • Volume 4 - issue 2 - 2008

Volume 4 - issue 2 - 2008

Cooperative Online Education

Dr. Morten Flate Paulsen is Professor of Online Education at NITH and Director of Development at NKI Distance Education (www.nki.no) in Norway. In the article he presents his theory of “Cooperative learning”. The article describes how he developed a virtual learning environment that allows students to have optimal individual freedom within online learning communities. This article demonstrates that cooperative learning can be implemented successfully through a set of instruments or means. Paulsen reports positive results from surveys and experiences with cooperative learning, and relate these to issues like web 2.0, transparency, learning partners and individual progression plans.

(The cartoon used in Paulsen's presentation is also available here.)

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Dealing with pupils digital everyday life

"… it is a major challenge to guide pupils in a field they believe they master."

– student teachers on dealing with pupils' digital everyday

Carl F. Dons is an associate professor in pedagogy at Sør-Trøndelag University College, Department for Teacher and Interpreter Education. This article aims at answering the following research question: How can we prepare student teachers to deal with pupils who have a wide range of day-to-day experiences of the digital world? Dons argues that today's student-teacher training does not realize the potential for learning found in the rich media environments youth exist within. The article points out some perspectives on how the technological culture of children and young people should influence the professional training of student teachers. The article concludes by summarizing some findings from a research project in general teacher education, which demonstrates how this might be done.

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Survival of the -net-est?

Experiences with electronic test tools – reduced teacher hours?

Dr. Kristin Dale is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Agder (UiA) in Norway. Her paper deals with methods for giving more feedback to students in order to improve educational quality. Given that individual feedback is a time-demanding task teachers might find electronic tools for assistance with student feedback helpful in order to reduce teacher workload. The article reports from dr. Dales experiences with electronic multiple – choice tests in giving mid-term feed-back to students in undergraduate studies. The aim of the article is that it will provide advice to teachers who consider using electronic test-tools.

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Commentary: Situated learning in the Network society

Rune Krumsvik
University of Bergen
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
There is a need to develop a broader view of knowledge for dealing with the way in which new digital trends influence the underlying conditions for schools, pedagogy and subjects. This short commentary article, based on my paper at the NVU-conference 2008, will therefore highlight whether a broader view of knowledge - situated learning, digital literacy and the digital revolution can generate new ways of how we perceive pedagogy within the new educational reform in Norway in particular and the digitized school in general. The focus is particularly angled towards the implications this may have for developing new practises for teachers and students. 

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