Vol. 13 - Issue 1 2017 - ISSN 1504-4831
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Exploring the learning context in shifts between online and offline learning

By Karen Borgnakke

FlowerIn this issue we have collected papers related to the conference called Rethinking Educational Ethnography: Researching on-line communities and interactions. The articles address issues based on ethnographic approaches and case studies on the implementation of digital technology in different learning context.

The articles reflect on the multi-sited research coping with ICT and learning in shifting online offline settings. In many respects, the shift and the tendencies to blend strategies are a challenging part of the educational development combined with the need for research-based evaluation of the blended practice. This involvement raises basic questions to ethnographers: How to explore the learning context and the shift between online and offline in the fields of practice? How to observe and collect data about formal/non-formal learning? How to analyze the learning space and processes?

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ICT-enabled innovation in technology rich schools?

Catarina Player-Koro, of University of Borås and Dennis Beach, of University of Gothenburg takes in the article “ICT-enabled innovation in technology rich schools?” its point of departure from the main findings from research into four upper secondary schools that have implemented digital technology through one-to-one laptop initiatives. The analysis reveals discourses and transformations showing that ICT is less important than what is often taken for granted in the educational change in Swedish upper secondary schooling.

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Learning by using digital media in and out of school

Raquel Miño-Puigcercós and Juana M. Sancho-Gil of the University of Barcelona presents in the article “Learning by using digital media in and out of school” a context of schooling for which students increasingly become disengaged and frustrated. The article demonstrates how schooling can capture the lives of young people by using different media and offer students authentic learning experiences.

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Nursing students’ attitudes towards ICT in education and clinic in Denmark

Raymond Kolbæk, of Hospital Central Jutland and Via University College in Denmark, presents his article “Nursing students’ attitudes towards ICT in education and clinic in Denmark”. His point of departure is the consistent scepticism nurses as well as nursing students practice towards the use of ICT in their professional area. His aim is to throw light onto how this reluctance is construed, using insights from Bourdieu and his notion of habitus.


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At Home with Students – Observing Online and Offline Contexts

Anita Lyngsø, of the University of Copenhagen and Via University College, follows in the article ”At Home with Students – Observing Online and Offline Contexts” the edict of ”following the field”. The article show the needs to enter students homes and observe them in the their own household, as well as observing their learning activities in their online virtual environment. The article discusses the challenges arising from the dicothomy of online and offline contexts, and shades light onto how the two contexts interact in the life of the students.


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Coming Back to Basic Concepts of the Context

Karen Borgnakke, of The University of Copenhagen, presents her article “Coming Back to Basic Concepts of the Context”, in which she explores how traditional ethnography meets the online-learning contexts in various areas.Shifts between online- and off-line contexts presents a challenge for ethnographic methodology and analysis, and she explores how these could be met in scholastic, professional and academic learning contexts.


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